Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crows...a Fine Day

I'm going to celebrate the return of fine autumn weather by stitching "Crows...a Fine Day", a Bent Creek kit.

While the temperatures are cooler, the sun is shining and the skies are blue.
That counts for alot in my book. 

This corner of the back patio is my "red neck" garden.
If you look closely at the plant stand, you can see that it's original function was as a beer display rack. 
Well it is very sturdy and functional, and hey, it's kind of kitschy too. 

This is a south-west facing area and the sedums and succulents could not be happier. 

As it is under the eaves though, I do have to be careful and remember to water even when we've had some rainy days.

I think the succulents in the green and blue pots are "other-worldly" looking.

The bottom shelf has a large "empty" space.
Parvati-Cat enjoys loafing there on sunny days.

Don't forget to stroll over to The Tuesday Garden Party 
@ An Oregon Cottage!


  1. I'm an absolute BC fan, but I don't know this one! Lovely, though. Can't wait to see your final product :o)

    Ah, I always enjoy your garden pics so much!

  2. You find the cutest graphs - these crows are adorable. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day- loved your comment.

  3. Those are nice seedums. We tend to ignore ours and the yellow jackets nest in them. The dirty buggers! They are being transplanted to a rock garden this week.

  4. I have a friend that loves crow charts, I will have to see if she has this in her to do pile. Thanks for the enabling.

    I think your pot rack is great!! Adds a little humor to your garden.

  5. I love how you're repurposing the rack for your plants- great idea.

    Thanks for sharing with the Garden Party. For fall and winter, you can link up seasonal recipes, garden themed gifts, decorating and such. I'm going to have a list of Winter link-up themes tomorrow at the Tuesday Garden Party, so check in and plan your posts!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.