Thursday, August 12, 2010

Still Feeling Cornish...Corney?

August and fresh corn go hand in hand, right?  So I'm going to stitch the ear of corn from "Farmer's Market" by The Prairie Schooler.  I do like most of the food motifs in this chart, but decided to start small and try out one for size - maybe someday I'll get around to stitching all twelve squares.   

Thank goodness for pollinators!  No corn without them, and I surely couldn't garden without their help.

I rely on the efforts of bees and hummingbirds and other nameless beneficial insects.

Much like a cross stitch designer, when I garden, I try to create small, pleasing motifs.  This is a study in blue. 

This is a study in burgundy.

I think of everything (literally 200 pots of plants), this is my favorite.
I love the blue-green sempervivums and sedums, with the beige and cream distressed planting box.

But then I also really like this combination of sedums - colors and textures both. 

The bees though don't much care for the sedums as they are generally not in bloom. 

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