Monday, August 2, 2010

Okay I Cheated...

That catchy post title caught your eye, didn't it?  Well, the gist of it is this...yesterday's post photo was of an unfinished stitch!  I was in a rush to get something on the blog before dashing off to help with an Estate Sale.  So if you viewed "August=Corn" yesterday, you might want to scroll down for another peak.  The latest photo has the lavender "C" completely stitched.  I also included a couple of family photos from the early 1940's - women in the cornfield on flesh out the theme.

Now on to today's stitching and gardening news...
As I really, truly did finish up "Corn", I'm now morally entitled to begin a new stitch.  I've decided to work on yet another barnyard fowl.
This time...
"Wee Rooster" by Heart in Hand.

I was surprised and pleased to see that my Thunbergia was blooming this morning.  It is a wonderful bluey/violet color.

With more blooms to come...


  1. Cute rooster and pretty flowers. Photos have allowed me to find many things I didn't see left undone with my own eye. Why is that?

  2. Terri - I think the photos act as a magnifier - that's how I find errors in stitching too!

  3. Terri - I think the photos act as a magnifier - that's how I find errors in stitching too!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.