Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strawberries and Blackberries

Design - "Strawberry Patch"
Chart - "Garden Friends"
Designer - Designs by Charlotte
Fabric - 28 count Creme Brulee R & R linen
Floss - DMC
Started - 15 August 2010
Completed - 18 August 2010

A bright, cheerful stitch I think.  The pattern called for several black French Knots in each of the strawberries.  I stitched up two that way, examined the piece, and decided I preferred a "cleaner" look without the French Knots.

So here is my Outdoor Wednesday Report:

Boy the weather has changed!  After several days of +90F, last night the edge of a storm blew in, the temperature dropped, and this morning is cool - almost cold - grey, and dull.  In attempting to take pictures this morning, my flash kept going off in reaction to the low light - even at 8:00am.

We are adrift, awash, floating in clouds and seas of thistle seeds.
The tiny, tiny black dots are the actual seed which the goldfinches devour.

The white is just the parachute which allows the seed to drift in the wind.
In May we have clouds of Cottonwood duff, in August thistle seed.

I thought this lavender looked particularly lovely with a Pine tree backdrop.

And what is August without Blackberries?  Our wildings are just beginning to ripen.

The Queen Anne's Lace is the August star in the meadows.

The mullein dominate the front flowerbed.

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  1. Very cool...I have never seen "clouds" of thistle seeds is a pretty neat sight!

  2. Beautiful! There's something so wonderful about Queen Anne's lace. I love it.

  3. Oh, to be there in person. Sigh. Your photos make me think of Anne of Green Gable. The wistfullness and loveliness of the flowers. :-)
    Su-sieee! Mac
    This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then

  4. Very nice photos...I like your cross's a nice summer one. Blackberries grow wild around here and soon we will go out and pich them...Yum! I love all your flowers!


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