Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Symphony in Green and Stitching Progress

Well this stitch isn't green, but about everything else in this post is...
I've been working a bit on "Peacock Spot Sampler" by Ewe & Eye & Friends. Lovely muted colors - I can tell already that I'm going to be most pleased with the finished piece.

Yesterday, my sister and I headed of to the Lane County Farmers' Market.
We got there about 11:0am - late for us - and as I'd not had breakfast, I was starved!  I had a wonderful dish of steak and eggs cooked by Corey Wisun of Field to Table.  The best O'Brien hash browns ever, a wonderful organic brown egg, sour dough bread, and organic grass fed beef with a pesto-sauce.  Okay, I'm hungry again!

The overwhelming color at the market this hot July Saturday - green!

The first ears of fresh corn

Baby Cauliflower

Swiss Chard

Fresh Basil

Heirloom Tomatoes

Fava Beans


1 comment:

  1. Nice stitching! I love E&E&F designs. Yummmy veggie pics!


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