Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cute As A Bug and Plants Behind Bars

I'm back to ladybugs again!  I've kitted up "Cute as a Bug" by Birds of a Feather.  I'm going to stitch it on Dark Cappuccino as the BOAF fabric "Wren" is no longer in production.  The GAST colors are great.

And why, you might ask are these pots and plants in jail - behind bars?  A one word answer - DEER!  I've centered the three largest pots with evergreen trees - the deer won't bother those, but for some summer color, and to placate the hummingbirds, I've also planted nasturtiums, salvia, agastache, and a potato vine - all of which the deer will greedily consume.  Hence "the cage".

This is my sedum display.  It is on the back patio and faces west, so gets alot of afternoon sun and heat.  The sedums thrive, and with applications of a deer repellent spray, they are left alone.

I also like to use sedums in strawberry jars.  This green glazed jar over-wintered very well.  I added a coleus at the top to go with the thyme, and only had to replant one of the sedums.

This terracotta planter did not fair so well.  I ended up re-potting almost the entire jar.  The top now has a grass and a sedge.  The sides are all sedums.  By the time I finished up with this "jar", it was getting warm, and it time for lunch.  I'm now back to about five flats of plants to set out, if we stay rain-free, I may have another go at it this evening. 

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