Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rabbit on Wheels

This is a cute little freebie called "Rabbit on Wheels" from the "Country Lullaby" chart by Jean Farish. Yesterday I decided I needed something quick and easy to stitch while travelling to and from Portland, Oregon. I chose to stitch this on 32 count R & R "Blue Moon" linen. I think it turned out very well!


  1. Aww, that's a sweet one! Hi there! I see that you like cross stitching too, Thought I'd let you know that I have a nice sized Christmas freebie that I have put up for everyone. Look forward to you stopping
    by! Enjoy!


  2. This is a lovely finish! I am looking for this leaflet - don't suppose you have it for sale?

    thanks :)


    debathome @

    (remove spaces)


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