Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday's Critters

Barry is looking scraggily.

He is shedding the velvet on his antlers. 

And he's been injured. He is limping front and back on his left side.
Hit by a car?  I hope he can recover from this. 

Here's Mama Doe

Twin #1

Twin #2 

Look at this!

Tongue out

A daytime bear incursion.

A young bear - last year's cub perhaps.

Tray feeders provide an easy buffet.

He did not stay long and my other feeders were left alone.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome bear pictures! Such a brave one to be dining on the buffet you provided during daytime. Sorry to hear that Barry is limping. I hope he recovers. We had a solo fawn in the front yard two days ago. I hope its mama was off in the woods and it wasn't by itself.


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