Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday's Hummers

The Anna's are back in force.
At least two, probably three birds.

A young one trying to figure out the feeder.

Rather rumpled looking

Ahhh flower nectar!

Another bird at a feeder

Hope you have a nice Sunday.


  1. Beautiful photos, Beth! I love the rumpled look of the young one.

  2. The openings on the feeder are on the bottom?

    In May, orioles seem to intimidate the hummers at the feeder. Even though the jelly is about 10 feet away, they still like the HB food too. Worse is seeing a hummer at the feeder later in summer, only to see them leave because a wasp comes stomping around the feeder at them. I wonder if this style of feeder would solve both problems.


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