Monday, June 24, 2024

June Seems to Be About Woodpeckers

Design - "Bee Ye Humble"
Designer - Pine Mountain Designs
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 June 2012
Completed - 7 June 2012

This kit came with a tuck pillow, creating an Instant Finish!  

Besides cross stitch, the design used Satin, Herringbone, and Double Leviathan stitches.

Yep, yet more woodpecker photos!

A young Hairy Woodpecker

See the bright red spot on its head?

And he's back!

A male Acorn Woodpecker - eating suet

Thinking about eating sunflower seed

And lastly, a male Flicker

Suet, suet suet

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