Friday, May 17, 2024

Woodpeckers Part Two

Design - "March Blows"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 28 count Country French Cafe Mocha linen
Floss - WDW and GAST 
Started - 10 July 2010
Completed - 11 July 2010

So these photos are all about Flickers.

A female contentedly eating suet.

No she's perched on a tree branch.

Her orange tail feathers are prominently.  Why it's called a Red-shafted Flicker I do not understand.
This is orange, NOT red!

And now a male flies in and fans out his tail feathers.

"Look at me!", he says.

I'm not sure she's impressed.

He is handsome though.

1 comment:

  1. Your stitch is adorable. I stitched that series when it first came out. Great photos of the Flickers!


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