Thursday, April 4, 2024

Up in the Sky

This is the rabbit motif from "The Hare and the Basket" a 1996 sampler designed by Jean Farish Huls for the Spirit of Cross Stitch Festival.  I thought rabbit charming and was not up to the challenge of stitching the entire (large) sampler.  So this way, instant bunny gratification!

Up in the sky!

Three hawks

One looks like a Red-tailed Hawk.

The others I'm not so sure - maybe immature hawks. 

This guy is pretty easy to ID

Suddenly I have a couple of crows hanging around.
Not sure if I'm happy about that or not.
I think not.

1 comment:

  1. Moove along, crows! I have a pair of American Kestrels in my new nesting box & exciting! Last week the neighbor down the road called me to go outside (I was in the barn) I had 14 bald eagles and 2 golden eagles flying above the house.
    The pair of golden eagles harass my pup (border collie) while she hunts for voles and gophers, they have tried to get my Maine Coon twice. That poor cat is terrified of all big birds now.


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