Monday, January 15, 2024

A Special Bird

Design - "Let it Snow-Man"
Magazine - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 1999
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count Lakeside Patina linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 January 2015
Completed - 25 January 2015

The severe weather has made for some special birds coming in for food.

Starlings aren't special! And I think I now have all the Starlings that reside in west Eugene - over 30 anyway.  They are kind of pretty with their spots. 

And this poor guy!
All puff up in the cold.

Bedraggled tail feathers.

He is getting some quick calories with suet bits.

The back patio is a skating rink of frozen snow topped with ice.

And here, finally is the special bird!

A Varied Thrush.

I think it's a female.

With cold feet!


  1. What a pretty bird the varied thrush is! Stay warm, Beth!

  2. I had varied thrushes in the yard this morning (around here we call them timber robins - old timey name that my Great Grandpa named them when he moved to Marcola from Ohio in the 30's.
    I was a bit surprised to see so many, I counted 15. We have 5 inches of snow and 1 inch of ice. I've been using my cross country skis to get the birds fed and barn chores done. I put a water heater in a shallow sheep's trough for the birds.
    The hummers are really going thru the nectar these past few days. I left the braeburn apples and melrose apples on the tree for the winter birds. I'm counting down the hours until the warmer weather shows up!


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