Sunday, October 8, 2023

September's Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek - 1st Camera

Finally after months of problems we had two functioning cameras down at Dorothy's Creek.
Here are the photos from the first camera.

Steller's Jay

Gray Squirrel

An acorn in his mouth?

Mama Raccoon and three kits.

They LOVE water!

Here comes # 3.

All trying to pile in.

Mama has had enough.

Days later a single raccoon in the water.

Deer dinrking

A couple of close ups.

We had several bobcat sightings, but no sign of little ones.

Playing in the water... cats are wont to do.

Night time

Best daytime shot. 

A handsome animal.
More photos to come!

1 comment:

  1. What a healthy looking bobcat, Beth! Lots of activity down by the creek!


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