Monday, September 11, 2023

Woodpeckers Wow!

Design - "Slow Poke"

Designer - Ewe & Eye  & Friends

Fabric - 32 count Winter Sky

Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads

Started - 23 April 2010

Completed - 25 April 2010

So LOTS of woodpeckers last week. Let's take a look.

We begin with a young Hairy Woodpecker...

and a male Flicker.

Here they are together. 

A female Flicker.

And a special bird.

A young Red-breasted Sapsucker,

The head is not very red - the sign of a young bird.

It was sharing a tree with a female Hairy Woodpecker (one the left). 

Here she is.

I also saw a small female Downy Woodpecker.

Isn't she sweet?

And lastly, I had a male Pileated Woodpecker fly in CLOSE!

These photos are after it flew off to a tree further away.

Still a really nice sighting.
Now, if only the Acorn Woodpecker would return!

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