Friday, September 29, 2023

A Towhee Lesson


Design - "Little Butterfly"
Designer - The Knotted Tree
Fabric - 32 count raw linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 28 March 2009
Completed - 29 Mach 2009

Some seasonal changes are noticeable.

The American Goldfinches have lost their breeding colors.

They are much duller looking.

And look who has returned!

The Golden-crowned Sparrows are back.

I heard one singing...

Then saw a couple of them.
No big numbers yet, but that will happen as October progresses.

And now for a Spotted Towhee Lesson.
I just learned to tell males and females apart.
The bird on the left is a male, the one on the right is a female.  

Here she is - her "black" head is much lighter colored than a male.

And here's another male for comparison.

His head is black, black, black.
And there you go!
Now you know.

1 comment:

  1. Cute stitch! Awesome bird shots, Beth! I noticed the color changes on the deer yesterday as some were darkening up. Happy Friday!


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