Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Question Answered

Design - "Watermellon"
Chart - "123 August"
Designer - Curtis Boehringer
Fabric - 32 count Antique White Jobelan
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 August 2016
Completed - 5 August 2016 

First off answering Pam C.'s question, "Could you tell us what the small red roof-like structure is to the right of the feeder?"

So this is the feeder in question.
And here's a link: Bark Butter Feeder.

I work for Wild Birds Unlimited and they have a productd called Bark Butter.
It is sort of a spreadable suet.  Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Grosbeaks, Sparrows - lots of birds love it. 

I have it set up so the birds can stand and eat it easily.  I put some out on two feeders each morning, and it is gone in less than an hour.
Any other questions, please email me, and I'll answer. 

Here's a female American Goldfinch and a female House Finch.

And a couple of blurry photos of a Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Love the watermelon piece! That series from Curtis Boehringer was a good one. Thanks for the bark butter response!

  2. I'm wondering if you can recommend a good general bird feeder that can be purchased online? I have a red cedar bird feeder from Pennington probably purchased at Walmart at least 15 years ago. It is falling apart. All other products from Pennington are not as good as this one is. The perches are not large enough and too close to the feeder so birds like doves and even cardinals can't land.
    I just saw there is a wildfire in Lane County. Stay safe and I hope you don't have to evacuate.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.