Sunday, August 6, 2023

July Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

Everyone gets thirsty!

Black-headed Grosbeak

Steller's Jay

Doe and twins


This is the poor guy with the broken antler

I was worried he might not be able to drink - but he can thank goodness.

You can see how uncomfortable he must be.

I think he's trying to kick it off.


Mama and fawn 

Both drinking

And this fawn is having a drink too!

Daytime bobcat

Nighttime bobcat

And July's surprise - a coyote!

I do have lots of bear photos - will share those in a separate post.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of activity at Dorothy's Creek, Beth. Interesting surprise this month! We have heard them early evening over the past week or so, but still haven't seen them. Happy Sunday!


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