Saturday, July 8, 2023

Saturday's Critters

So it's practically the Reptile Gardens around here.

A new to me lizard.

A Southern Alligator Lizard.

It was probably 6"-8" long - not including the tail.

It was sunning on the warm concrete ....not too far from...

This guy!

The Bull Snake was back once again.

Head on the left end.

See it?

Now on to some mammals...

Orphan Oliver

His antlers are a mess - one is much longer than the other.

What big ears you have!

The half-blind doe.

And handsome Barry the Buck.

Or should I call him Begging Barry?!

1 comment:

  1. The deer critters are always a welcome sight. Barry's rack is looking awesome; poor Oliver though. I was going to say that lizard looked a bit like a gator before I read further. So, will the lizard and the snake peacefully co-exist?


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