Monday, July 17, 2023

Good Monday Morning!

Design - "13 Stars"
Designer - Subrosa
Fabric - 28 count Lakeside Basketweave linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 1 July 2017
Completed - 15 July 2017

I really, really, really like this design.  I started out stitching the blue part of the border and the first set of stars.  As soon as I added the white accents to the border, the design really 'popped'.  It is simple and repetitive and perfect!

Good Monday Morning to you!

I got some nice shots of a Turkey Vulture sun bathing.

They like to wait for temperatures to rise a bit before flying off for the day.

And here's a male Red-shafted Flicker at the bird bath.

They tip their heads back to swallow.


Time for another drink.

Bending down in for a drink.
Stay hydrated!


  1. I love today's featured design, Beth. Love the blue and white! We have been seeing more turkey vultures around going and coming from town.

  2. Good morning! We have 7 turkey vultures that live in the oaks below the barn, I like it when they walk around the field with their wings stretched out to trick the voles. During our hot streak this week I set up 3 additional bird baths. I set up a 4' long by 2' W by 4" deep sheep washing tray for the robins...they are vigorous in their baths! New to us this month is golden eagles. I have never seen one this far north in the Willamette Valley. It tried to get my 30 lb maine coon, but he escaped to the barn (with deep gashes on his backside).
    The nuthatches have fledged this week. So cute!
    I don't often comment, but I enjoy your posts. Have a great week.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.