Friday, July 28, 2023

Bird Babies - Part 2

Design - "Liberty"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
FAbric - 32 count Light Mocha Belfast linen
Fibers -  GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 July 2015
Completed - 10 July 2015

I changed GAST "Oatmeal" to WDW "Whitewash", and also added the red and white star button.  This freebie can be found on Lizzie Kate's website.

So this is rather usual!

As of Wednesday 7/26, it appears that I still have an active Violet-green Swallow nest.

Again, sadly it appears to be a single parent situation, which is less than ideal for providing enough food for the babies. 

But I am only seeing / hearing one adult bird flying about.

There is at least one youngster in the nest.

I hope it is able to successfully fledge before it gets really hot when August rolls around.


  1. Sweet stitch! Hopefully, it will fledge soon.

  2. So I’m wondering why there is only one parent. You are so knowledgeable that I want to ask: Do birds occasionally abandon their families, or was there a death of one parent?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.