Friday, June 16, 2023

Some Cool Birds

Design - "Bee Strong" (kit) 
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric -18 count Wichlet Lambwool linen
Fibers - DMC
Started - 21 September 2003
Completed - 20 October 2003 

Here are some cool birds!

I don't know why it is that I seem to see a Raven when the light is poor.

So anyway, more of a silhouette than a true photo.


Pretty sure that's what he said.
You can see his 'beard' one of the ways other than size to differentiate a Raven from a Crow.

I've had a couple of Red-Breasted Nuthatches coming to the backyard feeders with some frequency.

But even more exciting was seeing a White-breast Nuthatch!

He too was doing that Nuthatch Thing - a sideways stance.

Thanks for dropping by.  Hope to see you again soon.

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