Saturday, June 10, 2023

May Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

Some interesting happenings down at Dorothy's Creek.

Close up

This doe is blind in one eye

Lots of deer

Kicking up ones heels!

Watch Barry's antlers grow! 

I think they're visibly longer 8 days later.

Okay and now the bears - SO MANY BEAR PHOTOS!
Forgive me!

I'm going to subject you to a ten photo series of
these two cubs playing and wrestling - SO CUTE!

Mama Bear says, "BEHAVE!" and leaves them to it. 

Backs arched like cats!

I think the cub on the right was the winner.

Okay here's a Daytime Bear! 

And I think four minutes later this is ANOTHER bear.

Another day, another bear. 

And here are TWO bears!

Yes two bears - plus the sow and her cubs - that's FIVE BEARS!


Can you see him grinning?

I hope you have something to smile about this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures from Dorothy's Creek! Especially the bear pictures! While we haven't seen any around our property, the neighbors have so we know they are out there. Happy Saturday, Beth!


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