Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday's Walk in a Week

It's been TOO HOT for mid-Ma in Western Oregon.
IN the 90's which is just wrong!
So we won't walk - we'll stroll very slowly.

Big Leaf Maple blooms.

I can't get enough of them.

Iris tenax

A wilding apple tree

Wild violet




Vine Maple


Cow's Parsnip

More Vine Maple

Oregon White Oak - they take their time to leaf out.


Corn Lilies

Green, green, and more green.

An apple tree my sister planted several years ago.
It is blooming profusely for the first time.

Stay cool and enjoy the lush green.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks fabulous, Beth. We had a few 90s back in April. As you said, just wrong.


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