Friday, May 19, 2023

Unusual (For Me) Backyard Birds

In the order in which I stitched them.  

Design - "Cold as a Lizard"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 28 count Antique Pink linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 July 2010
Completed - 21 July 2010

Wow!  That was fast stitching!

I've had some unusual (for me) birds. 

I had two Bald Eagles fly overhead for 10 minutes or so.

I never managed a photo of both birds, just singles.

It was pretty cool.

They are very distinctive looking.

IT was easy for me to look up and thing, those are NOT Turkey Vultures!

I also saw a Great Blue Heron. 

A Canada Goose!

A couple of Purple Martins singling / talking.

A Turkey Vulture on a cold morning.

Sharp-shinned Hawk.

An American Crow.

And a Red-winged Blackbird!

Lots of birds - lots to watch and enjoy.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.