Saturday, May 6, 2023

April's Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

We continue to have trail camera issues.
The only photos we got in April were from the camera in the backyard.


Hard to see it - it is at the left edge of the photo.

Part of a squirrel

Not many deer photos this month.

A couple of does

Two again

A bobcat near the end of the month

What we did get this month were lots of bear photos.

So bear with me!

Bear nose 

Nighttime bear

This bear came at dusk 

And as an omnivore, it happily grazed on the fresh green grass.

Munch munch

Here are two, maybe three bear.

All month long bears in the backyard.
So yes, I do take me feeders in each and every evening around dusk.
Otherwise they'd be destroyed or carried away by the bears.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome pictures! Do you think the bears are from last year (well, minus the babies)? They (and the bobcat) all look healthy.


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