Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wednesday's Walk

The weather may still be dicey, but spring continues apace. 

The trilliums aren't yet in bloom.  

Still they are cool to look at. 

Some grow in clumps

Some are duos

Some are single plants

The mottle leaves are a work of art.

The cow's parsnip is off to a good start.

Osoberries are the earliest blooming native on that I see.   

Bright green leaves and small cascades of white blossoms.

This is a waterfall of blooms.

I'm sure the hummingbirds are happy to have this early source of nectar.

And let's not forget the pussy willows.

They too are early birds.

With recent rains the Big Creek is running full and fast.

It's nice to see it full.

Beaver dam remnants. 

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