Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Random Bird Roundup

Design - "A Little Gray Hare" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 30 count WDW Seafoam linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 April 2015
Completed - 17 April 2015 

Love the color of this linen.

So here's some random birds I've seen thus far in April.
A Tom Turkey strutted his stuff. 

Pretty magnificent.

She was the reason why! Does she look imnpressed?

Random cute Oregon Junco.

Cooper's Hawk

Still hearing and seeing Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

They are usually in the shrubs and brush and move constantly so are a challenge to photograph.

My first of the year sighting of a male American Goldfinch.

April 18th - so far just this one sighting of one bird.

Send more my way!

I thought all the Fox Sparrows had left - but then saw this guy interacting with a Golden-crowned Sparrow on the 20th.
I'm sure there will be more changes as April transitions into May.


  1. Sweet bunny stitch! What a wonderful assortment of bird pictures you shared, Beth! That Tom is quite handsome, but she doesn't look impressed. We have Goldfinches here, and their coloring is starting to get brighter.

  2. It's always such a pleasure to read your blog. I had a first-time (at least that I've seen) bird at my suet feeders this morning - what I believe is a yellow-rumped warbler.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.