Thursday, April 20, 2023

House Hunting

Design - "Egg Hunt" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - unknown - 28 count minty green of some sort
Fibers - WDW, GAST, and Threadgatherer - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 March 2012
Completed - 12 March 2012

Cold and wet is not great of swallows as they are insectivores and insects are scarce in that kind of weather. 


Nonetheless house-hunting is in progress.

Most morning someone is peeking out of this box.

This one appears to meet with approval.

As does this one.

The Violet-green Swallows often hang out on the eves above the box. 

Here's a pair - male on left, female on the right.

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