Monday, March 13, 2023

A Small Brown Bunny and a Bobcat

Here's a small. brown bunny. 

Design - "Alphabet with Hare" (freebie)
Designer - La-D-Da
Fabric - Unknown
Fibers - Crescent Colours - Eve's Leaves & Hunny Bunny, 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 May 2014
Completed -  9 June 2014 

Here's a bobcat!

Thursday morning about 7:15am I looked out the dining room window to see a bobcat walking down our driveway.

I was not able to get good photos as I was shooting through our deer fence, and the camera kept wanting to focus on the fence rather than the cat.

The bobcat stayed for several minutes.

It laid down in the grass, as a cat does... groomed a bit.

It looked around...

...and rolled back and forth before getting up and strolling off into the forest.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty bunny stitch! What a beautiful bobcat that came to call! Looks very healthy!


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