Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Much Bigger Guys

Design - "Chocolate Heart"
Chart - "Chocolate Stick Valentines"
Designer - Fanci That
Fabric - 28 count Milk Chocolate linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 February 2014
Completed - 15 February 2014

High up in the sky...

About 2:30pm hundreds of crows flew over head - heading home from a day's work in town.

I also saw two ducks.
And not terribly big...

There's been a Sharp-shinned Hawk hanging around the back yard.
The squirrels, jays and woodpeckers pretty much ignore this guy.

After a long hiatus, it was nice on Sunday to see the Ravens once again.

They were quiet and spent the entire time preening.

So I did not get any good shots.

Here's the face of the one on the right. 

And the face of the one on the left.

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty heart stitch! Is the hawk molting? Or perhaps he is a young one.


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