Thursday, February 9, 2023

A Pleasant Surprise

Design - "2008 Collector's Heart"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 February 2012
Completed - 12 February 2012

If the fawn does not finish up the peanuts, the Steller's Jays swoop in to polish off whatever is left. 

On my walk I first heard, and then saw a couple of Wrentits.
Can you see the brown and rufous colored bird?

There were two of them chattering away and flitting about.
Yes, this one is facing away from the camera.

Never got a very good photo, but I was so pleased to see these birds once again after a several month hiatus.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty heart piece! Love the blue of the Steller's Jays. What a cute little bird, the wrentit.


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