Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Decorations - The Breakfast Nook and Kitchen

It's time once again to share the Christmas decorations.

I might have gone a bot overboard this year.

I'll begin with the breakfast nook and kitchen. 

The breakfast nook is where I display some of the nativities I've collected over the years.

I think there are 15 nativity scenes plus a few advent calendars featuring the nativity.

Bottom shelf

Middle shelf

Top shelf

This one is a new purchase.

As is this one. 

I bought this one last year and added some more goats and sheep to it this year.

I set up a few salt and pepper shakers along the kitchen cabinet shelf. 

And finished off with three Food Trees.


  1. As always, you decorating is amazing and touches my heart! I love, love the milkwhite "tree" in the last photo...Is it a vintage piece? Wishing holiday blessings to you and yours. Warmest regards, Patricia

  2. Always look forward to your Christmas decor tour, Beth!


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