Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday's Walk

So, once again, if we are going to take a walk, we need to dress for the weather.  

The cherry trees still have lots of leaves - lots of color. 

The Tree Ferns are a bright shot of color in the dull woods.

The lichen is bright green too.

The understory still has some color as well.

I think this is Cascara.

The Willows are the last to lose their leaves.

I've been disappointed with the lack of rose hips this year, but oh, isn't this a pretty rose anyway?

After the leaves are gone, the Ash and other understory trees and shrubs are gray-green with mosses and lichens.

I think if I stood still for more than five minutes I'd become festooned with moss as well.

This is one of my favorite mosses.

A lone Cottonwood has yet to drop its leaves.

I hope you remained dry and enjoyed today's walk. 


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.