Friday, November 18, 2022

Acorn Confirmation

Design - "The Pilgrim Tree" (my name for this unnamed design)
Chart - "Acorns"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Prairie Grain linen
Fibers - DMC -2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 November 2014
Completed - 5 December 2014 

Very pretty fall colors. 

Confirmation - there are TWO male Acorn Woodpeckers as I'd thought.

The young bird flew in first.

He was in constant motion.

See the blue eye?

Here's a better look.

A handsome young guy.

And here's the other male.

A mature adult - thus pink eyes.

You guys need to find a female - and fast!


  1. Love your pilgrim pair, Beth! Yay for the two males!

  2. I live in the Central Willamette Valley, in the midst of a huge oak savanna (several hundred acres) and we have no acorns this year for our large population of acorn woodpeckers. I am supplementing with gleaned filberts and suet 'slop' mixed with corn, grains and dried fruit. They are fun birds to watch.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.