Saturday, October 29, 2022

Saturday's Critters

Many mornings five deer greet me.

Barry, Oliver, and three does.

Here's a closer look: 

One of the does has a white, cloudy left eye.
I expect that she has no useful vision in the eye. 

Nonetheless she seems to be doing just fine. 

Here's Oliver - you can see the baby bumps on his head presaging the eventual development of antlers.

He's a cutie...

...and appears to be holding his own among all the adult deer.

I try to make sure he gets a few sunflower seeds for breakfast.

And Barry is of course, the pride of the herd.

The does generally give way to him.

He is quite buff and muscular. 

Oliver has a role model and aspirations!


  1. What a lovely group of deer you have, Beth! Barry is quite handsome and Oliver is on his way. Enjoy your Saturday!


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