Friday, October 14, 2022

October Happenings

 Design - "Little Boo"

Chart - "Playing with Jax" #328

Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count Flax Field linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - October 2015
Completed - 7 October 2015

I am still seeing a couple of small groups of California Quail.

I thought this shot was especially lovely.
Papa Quail perched up in a Hawthorn watching over his flock of youngsters.

This past week I've heard and seen several Ruby-crowned Kinglets.
They tended to flit about in the brush and are difficult to photograph.

I still have the odd Band-tailed Pigeon lingering.
Most of the birds have left the area.

And every once in a while someone other than a hummingbird...

...takes a drink or two from a hummingbird feeder.
In this case, a female Downy Woodpecker.

Got to see a couple of handsome guys.

Male House Finches.

And am seeing more California Scrub Jays.
Up to two or three at a time.

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