Friday, October 21, 2022

Lots and Lots and Lots

Designer - Fanci That
Chart - Pumpkin (#101)
Fabric - 10" x 10" 36 count Edinborough Sand
Began -1 October 2002
Completed - Halloween 2002

Goodness!  Look at this!

A HUGE flock of Cedar Waxwings.

I tried counting from the photo and stopped when I got to 50.
I think there are well over 100 birds.

Some have stopped by for a visit. 

Just a few.

Then a pretty good gathering.

I enjoy how they line up in an orderly queue.

A couple of dozen birds anyway.

Snags may be unsightly, but they make for great bird perches.

Look around - you never know what you might see.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty pumpkin piece! Wonderful pictures of the Cedar Waxwings!


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