Saturday, August 27, 2022

Saturday's Critters

What's going on?

The brush rabbits are making an appearance once again.

Not many...

Not often, bit nice to see them.

My doe with twins has changed to a doe with a single fawn.

The fawn has a mass on its neck. It is fibromatosis,
common in young white-tailed deer in Oregon.

According to the ODFW "Typically, deer are exposed to the virus at a young age and develop fibromas. If they are exposed again as an adult, they are less likely to get the disease a second time due to acquired immunity to the disease.  Fibromas are not a significant cause of deer deaths."

Barry is here daily.

His antlers are changing from velvet and hardening off.
The process is bloody and messy.

1 comment:

  1. Barry is a handsome fella. Poor fawn! Good to see the bunnies!


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