Friday, July 8, 2022

Swallow Activity

Design - "Old Glory"
Designer - Sam Sarah
Fabric - 32 count white linen
Fibers - Crescent Colours - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 July 2013
Completed - 21 July 2013 

There are six, yes six active Violet-green nesting boxes this year.  That's double what I had last year.

Several are poking their heads out - eager for the next fly-by meal.

The yellow mouth is typical for young birds - scientists think it helps the parents 'target' the meals.

See the baby bird?
This nesting box is exciting as it is an east-facing box behind the shop/garage and has not been occupied before.

Meal delivery


The hole used to have a perch - I remove them as they can make it easier for predation.

Lots of chirping going on. 

Same as #5 - lots of chirping and meal deliveries.
I will keep watching - fledging is probably not far off now.

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