Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Just an Ordinary Day

Design - "Stars and Stripes Stoop"
Chart - "Birdhouse Collection"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - R & R 18th Century Stone linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 July 2017
Completed - 19 July 2017 

I'm getting pretty good groups of American Goldfinches at the feeders in front and the back of the house. 4 males and one female.

By September the males will have lost their bright courting colors.

Lots of young Hairy Woodpeckers at the feeders.
This one looks to be a female, the red atop the head has almost disappeared.

The one of the left still has a large red patch.

Difficult to see it in this photo.

It is clearly visible here.


  1. You have such interesting birds. We don’t have goldfinches here, or at least I have never seen any. We do have a woodpecker that lives in our very large oak tree and our photinia bushes are absolutely filled with cardinal families and blue jay families. They don’t get along, the jays are evil and territorial and fight with everybody else! But, the songs they sing are lovely — and with so many birds, you can’t miss it!

  2. Love the patriotic birdhouse stitch, Beth! What a wonderful group of goldfinches you have!


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