Sunday, July 3, 2022

June's Trail Camera Photos - The Big Creek

Lots of action down at Dorothy's Creek in June.

Steller's Jay

Gray Squirrel

Two of them

Not sure what this is

Bob cat with Gray Squirrel

And again!  I think we must have a female with young given how she is hunting.  I was on the back porch on Saturday 7/2 and one trotted by with another Gray Squirrel! The Steller's Jay's made a racket which caused me to look up from reading and so I caught a glimpse of the cat.


Barry the Buck

Lots and lots of bear activity

Two bears

Off goes the bear's ball 

The ball ends up in the creek

Two bears again

Playing in the water

Stay cool and hydrated this holiday weekend!


  1. What amazing pictures from the month, Beth! The last bear photo is adorable.

  2. I always enjoy your pictures especially the bears. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy 4th to you!


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