Monday, June 20, 2022

New Week New Start

A new start.  I'm jumping forward to begin work on the April full moon.
Why?  Wait and see.

It's been quite the woodpecker week!

Young male Flicker

Adult male Flicker

Female Hairy Woodpecker

Newly fledged Downy on the left, adult female on the right.

Young Downy

Adult  female Hairy Woodpecker

Female Flicker

Downy Woodpeckers

Young Downy

Young Hairy on the left, adult on the right

Female Acorn Woodpecker

Not one, but TWO male Acorn Woodpeckers!
I have THREE birds!

Male Acorn up high, young Downy down low.
I also saw two Red-breasted Sapsuckers and a Pileated Woodpecker.
All in all, a great week!



  1. What a great week for woodpeckers! Looking forward to seeing your progress on your new start!

  2. Oh my - that first flicker picture is absolutely exquisite. My husband and I both agree it is one of the most beautiful photos of a flicker ever. Might want to enter it in National Geographic's annual photo contest. I love it. What kind of camera do you use. I use a really small Canon for most pictures, but also have an old Minolta, and it's been ages since I used it. Thank you for sharing these stunning photographs. Lisa B.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.