Friday, May 6, 2022

Will Some Stay?

Design - "Primitive Small 1"
Designer - Dames of the Needle
Fabric - 32 count Meadow Rue Lakeside linen
Fibers - GAST 1 strand over two threads
Started - 13 June 2011
Completed - 14 June 2011

Yet another peacock for my collection!

I had my first sighting of an Evening Grosbeak last week.

It made my heart sing. 

Just one solitary male.

Since then I've seen small flocks of grosbeaks flying overhead.

And I've heard them talking in the forest nearby.

Last year none stuck around.  Will this year be the same?
I hope not.


  1. Love his coloring! I hope they hang around this year, Beth.

  2. Oh my, what a beautiful bird. How fun to spot in your yard, as well as see a flock fly overhead. And your cross stitch peacock is beautiful too!


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