Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Wednesday's Walk

It's a lovely day. Perfect for a walk. 

Western Bleeding Heart - Dicentra Formosa

Pacific Dogwood - Cornus nuttallii


And closer still - there were at least three trees in full bloom.

False Solomon's Seal - Maianthemum racemosum

Western Sword Fern - Polystichum munitum

Star-flowered Solomon's Seal - Maianthemum stellatum


Columbia Tiger Lily - Lilium columbianum

The Big Creek is roaring along.

The poisonous California Corn Lily - Veratrum californicum thrives in wet seeps like this.

It gets rather tall, but is quite handsome as it begins to grow.

I hope you enjoyed today's walk.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so good even that poisonous California Corn Lily.


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