Friday, May 13, 2022

Walking and Watching Birds

Design - "Pheasants" (an 'extra' card design for books 71 & 72)
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count mystery fabric
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 19 May 2016
Finished - 22 May 2016

On Wednesday I took a walk.
I've posted the plant life that caught my eye, but there were several birds too.

It began up close to the house with a Raven.

I had the opportunity to watch a couple of pairs of Violet-green Swallows.



As I continued my walk, I spied a California Scrub Jay.

Elsewhere I found a Song Sparrow.

Because it was singing up a storm, it was easy to locate. 

There were several Robins out and about.

And a couple of pairs of Bushtits flitted about.
I'd love to find one of their nests.

This was the 'best' bird - a Hutton's Vireo.

Don't forget - there are small wonders too.
Mylitta Crescent - Phyciodes mylitta

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