Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday's Hummers

 A nice assortment this week.

Male Rufous Hummingbird

Female Rufous Hummingbird

Male Anna's Hummingbird

Female Anna's Hummingbird


  1. Oh I love hummer Sundays--but then I love all your photos--
    thanks for all the work it takes each day to do the photos and a post--
    blessings and hugs, di

  2. I haven't put out the hummingbird feeders yet. With bird flu, it was recommended to not feed birds. They also recommended not having bird baths, but wouldn't that simply crowd more birds into natural water sources? We don't do a bird bath, there's a creek out behind the house. I'm thinking by now, most migratory birds might have passed through, so it should be safe, safer?, to put out the hummingbird & oriole feeders? It's not like a wide variety of birds visit those, like at seed feeders.
    I'm in Iowa, is bird flu an issue in Oregon this year?


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