Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday's Hummer

Only one Hummer to share today - I hope to do better next week. 

Female Anna's Hummingbird

She is lovely.


  1. She is a beauty! We still are only seeing 2-3 which is somewhat normal around here for May.

  2. I agree with Robin, she is a beauty. I have been away for a month and took down my feeders, before departing. Now I'm back home, for only a week. I was impulsive and put my feeders up, when I probably shouldn't have. I have seen a few hummers visiting flowers in the yard, but not yet stopping by my feeders. Fortunately, there is plenty of food around for our hummers....still I do so enjoy days when I see plenty of hummers as they are so sweet.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.