Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Wolf Moon


I've begun to stitch the wolf and have learned that someone who follows this blog is also stitching this series.

Monday morning there were Steller's Jays everywhere.

And I mean everywhere!

I think I counted a total of 26 birds.
All of them flying and yelling and squawking. 

It was quite the cacophony! 

One Flicker joined in.

He looks to be somewhat disgusted!  


  1. Super start on the wolf, Beth! Yay for the Steller's Jays!

  2. You pictured two of my favorits - the Stellar's jay and the flicker. Love them both.

  3. How fun to meet a blog follower stitching the same series as you. And you have the largest flock of Stellar Jays I have ever seen. I didn't realize they gathered in large flocks as I've only seen them individually, or in family groups.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.