Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday's Hummers

I did see two male Anna's locked in a mighty battle with one another.
I attempted to break it up, but am not sure that I was successful.
No sign of any Rufous Hummingbirds though I have seen them as early as March 1st. 

Enjoy your Sunday. 


  1. We won't see the hummers for another month here. Wonderful hummer pictures this week, Beth!

  2. I'm seeing Annas and Rufous Hummingbirds here in So. California, more than normal so I think I'm seeing the peak of the seasonal migration going North. More fighting between the males than normal, so guess that is mating/nesting season. I do so enjoy watching females sit happily side by side at a feeder, simply enjoying being together for their beverage time. And, I've spotted a few females selecting nesting material which you introduced me to last year (thank you).


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